Tai Wo Hau MTR - Wong Tai Sin
Mode of transportation: MTR
Time: 08:00 – 08:30
In Hong Kong, Wong Tai Sin is a district by itself, named after Wong Tai Sin Temple . Piggy, Mousy and Chix Little change station at MTR Prince Edward and arrive at the door step of Wong Tai Sin Temple after jumping off at MTR Wong Tai Sin.
Wong Tai Sin or Great Immortal Wong is reputably in Hong Kong as a deity whom listens and grants all wishes.
When one drop by Wong Tai Sin, be sure to try d traditional bamboo slip fortune telling.(求签). One will have to silently whisper a wish or a question and sincerely pray while shaking the bamboo container continuously till a bamboo slip drop on the floor. Always remember the number inscribed on the bamboo slip drawn.
The final step is to seek for a fortune-teller. Each bamboo slip is, as were told, designated a number and each number relates to part of a chinese folklores. Through deciphering the story, fortune teller will predict ones' future or answer ones' question. Other than deciphering the bamboo slip...palm reading, marriage predictions, horoscope reading and all the chinese traditional future prediction thingy can be tried here.
Palm reading cost: HKD 350/pax ^_^""""
Palm reading cost: HKD 350/pax ^_^""""
Website: http://www.siksikyuen.org.hk/
Wong Tai Sin – JORdan
Mode of transportation: MTR
Time: 09:20 – 09:30
Infamous for their steamed milk and egg custards, Australia Dairy Company as many fellow blogger visited Hong kong and commented well on this Cha Can Teng (Hongkie tea house). The Australia Dairy Company had become more of a must-go destination for food hunters visiting Hong Kong . The sight of throngs of people winding outside its doors anxiously waiting to get in speaks better than any advertisements.
Hongkie waiters are superbly efficient working to get everyone in and out as quickly as possible. Nothing personal, they just wanna keep heads rolling. Our first Hongkie breakfast at ADC cost only HKD 26 / pax!! Super cheap for HK standard.
Mode of transportation: MTR
Time: 10:15 – 10:30
Our stop for Disney merchandise
Website: www.trendyland.com/
Mode of transportation: Bus 72A
Time: 12:00 – 14:20
JFR offers FREE ferry ride across the water to the restaurant in small ferries decorated with Oriental theme.
Website: http://www.jumbo.com.hk/
Steamed Jumbo Shrimp Dumpling
HKD 30
Steamed Cuttlefish Dumpling with Sweetcorn
HKD 30
Chilled Fresh Mango Pudding
HKD 18
Steamed rice rolls with scallop
HKD 28
Imitated Shark Fin's Soup
HKD 45
shum wan– CAUSEWAY BAY
Mode of transportation: Bus 72A
Time: 14:40 – 15:00
Mode of transportation: Tram
Time: 15:15 – 15:35
Ding Ding
Locally known as "Ding Ding" this tramway system is one of the three double Decker tram in the whole wide world that are still in regular operation. As wiki mentions, its the only tramway that runs exclusively on double Decker.
Website: www.hktramways.com
CENTRAL – peak tram
Mode of transportation: Walk
Time: 16:00 – 16:20
The Peak
"Blurred" Andy Lau
Madame Tussauds Wax Museum was first setup by Marie Tussaud, a wax sculptor in London. Today the wax figures at Tussauds include historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and famous murderers. Above are just few of the big collections featured at HK Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.
Website: www.madame-tussauds.com.hk/
The exquisite HK view from Sky Terrace on the Peak..there's a reason why people charge you extra HKD 20/pax hehehee..it's for d breath-taking view~~
Beware: Do not wear cap at Sky Terrace, it is extremely windy!!
Star Ferry
Website: www.madame-tussauds.com.hk/
Beware: Do not wear cap at Sky Terrace, it is extremely windy!!
Mode of transportation: First Ferry
Time: 18:10 – 18:30
Mode of transportation: First Ferry
Time: 18:10 – 18:30
Made famous last year by the HK tv serise “Moonlight Resonance” (溏心風暴之家好月圓)
This ferry service had been part of HK since 1898 and its ferries still shuttles busily between Central and TST.
Website: www.starferry.com.hk/
This ferry service had been part of HK since 1898 and its ferries still shuttles busily between Central and TST.
Mode of transportation: MTR
Time: 18:10 – 18:30
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
Mode of transportation: MTR
Time: 20:00 – 20:30
Lan Kwai Fong
This section at Central HK houses many posh bars and restaurants.
Website: www.lankwaifong.com/
Yung Kee Restaurant
Yung Kee is most famous for its roast goose, well known in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, and also foreign tourists where after tasting the goose, they will often take some back on the flight home to share with family and friends, giving rise to the nickname "Flying Roast Goose" (飛天燒鵝).Worth a try but honestly the taste wasn't really that heavenly la..the price is sure killing though =p
Website: www.yungkee.com.hk/
Mode of transportation: MTR
Time: 23:00 – 23:30
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